Archives: Watch
The Political Crisis in Pakistan: A Review
In this explainer, The Polis Project deep dives into the political crisis unfolding in Pakistan, the various political stakeholders in the country and what resulted in the ouster of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government. We provide historical context to the current crisis and examine the tumultuous landscape political landscape of the country.
The Revolutionary Playlist Episode 27: Aruni Kashyap
When we think of revolutionary music in Assam, four towering figures come to our mind: the indigenous singer and artist Bishu Rabha, from the Rabha tribe; Bhupen Hazarika; Jyotiprasad Agarwala, born in a Marwari family in Assam; and finally, Hemango Biswas, born in a Bengali family in Assam. The music, culture, and literature of … Read more
The Revolutionary Playlist Episode 25: GC
Spanning continents and languages, this playlist en bloc represents some of the major waves of labor insurrections, anti-colonial culture and the popular music that precipitated from crises of capital and energized struggles against it. We begin with the French rock group, Carte De Sejour (to anyone familiar with European immigrant law, Carte De Sejour is a … Read more